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Martin Griese

Martin Griese

Forschungstätigkeit / Research activities:

Seitens Forschung fokussiert sich Martin Griese auf die Untersuchung von Energiesystemen mit hohem Anteil erneuerbarer Energieträger unter Einbezug der Sektorkopplung. Mit dem Ziel der Promotion untersucht er geeignete Methoden zur ganzheitlichen Optimierung von Betriebsführung, Dimensionierung und Struktur derartiger Systeme.

On the research side, Martin Griese focuses on the investigation of energy systems with a high proportion of renewable energy sources, including sector coupling. With the aim of obtaining a doctorate, he examines suitable methods for the holistic optimization of operational management, dimensioning and structure of such systems.

Berufstätigkeit / Employment:

Seit 2013 ist Griese an der Technischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (TH OWL) als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in Forschung und Lehre angestellt.

Since 2013, Griese has been employed as a research assistant in research and teaching at the OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts (TH OWL).

Akademische Ausbildung / Academic education:

Griese studierte Elektrotechnik im Bachelor-Studium in der Zeit von 2008-2011 und schloss das Master-Studium mechatronische Systeme an der TH OWL an, welches er im Jahr 2013 beendete.

Griese studied electrical engineering in his bachelor's degree from 2008-2011 and joined the master's degree in mechatronic systems at the TH OWL, which he finished in 2013.



Currently, numerous single-track railway lines are disused due to economic reasons. However, one way they could be...
  • Griese M.
  • Mousavi S.
  • Schulte T.
Conference: 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2022) Conference venue: Brussels
The control and structural expansion of decentralized energy systems are very challenging due to the volatility of...
  • Griese, M.
  • Pawlik, T.
  • Schulte, T.
In: ECOS 2019 (2019). The 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. Location: Wroclaw.


