VDMA-Energy efficiency network meeting in East Westphalia at the Technical University OWL
Under the main topic "Power Quality" we will meet on March 6, 2019 and discuss the quality of supply and sustainable safety of electrical energy in production plants.
A specialist lecture will address the investigation of voltage quality. It is investigated what voltage quality of plants under measurement of network perturbations, network voltage distortions, transients and network impedances, which can arise from loads and generation plants of renewable energies. Another lecture presents the combination of key technologies for "sector coupling", in which electricity, heating and gas networks as well as the mobility sector are connected to one another in such a way that the security of supply is guaranteed in the event of external power interruption.
In addition, we present best practice examples for power quality and you will receive a guide that you can use for your work. We also report on current topics from the energy market and policy. At the start of the event, we summarise the previous eight network events and we start the second and new round of the network.
TOP 1 Greeting
Phillip Kübber, Policy advisor, Competence network ProduktionNRW
TOP 2 Review and continuation of the Ostwestfalen network
Asja Thielking, Policy advisor Energy efficiency networks, VDMA Forum Energie
TOP 3 News on the energy efficiency initiative
Asja Thielking
TOP 4 Current issues in the energy market and policy
Prof. Dr. Jörg Meyer, Institute of Energy Technology & Energy Management Hochschule Niederrhein
– snack –
TOP 5 Presentation of the course "Energy Management and Climate Protection Technology (B.Sc.)" & laboratory tour followed by a specialist lecture on power quality
Prof. Dr. Borcherding, Head of Laboratory Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and EMC, Institute for Energy Research at the OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts (TH OWL)
TOP 6 Best practice examples and guidelines for power quality
Thomas Herrmann, Product Manager, E.ON Connecting Energies GmbH
TOP 7 Lecture on sector coupling
Prof. Dr. Johannes Üpping, Head of Laboratory for Electrical Energy Technology, Institute for Energy Research at TH OWL
Presentation: Asja Thielking and Prof. Dr. Jörg Meyer
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