Energieeffizienzsteigerung bei drehzahlgeregelten elektrischen Antrieben durch neuartige Leistungselektronik

E-DEAL - Increasing the energy efficiency of speed-controlled electric drives through innovative power electronics


However, in view of dwindling resources, rising costs and climatic consequences, the importance of energy resources has become increasingly important in recent years. In the field of power electronics for electric drives, the efficiencies of 95-99% are already very high, so that there seems to be little potential for optimization here. The losses of the application are mainly found in the electrical machines and of course in the driven mechanics.

In most applications, the regenerative power of the electric drives, which is released, unused, when braking the mechanics, but converted in the braking resistors into heat. In this research project, new power electronic circuits for the recovery of regenerative power are being investigated.


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