New funding project “FES FIELD LAB” started
To advance the energy transition, between 55 and 60 percent of electricity in Germany should come from renewable energies by 2035 and even 80 percent by 2050. The aim of the “FES FIELD LAB” research project is to develop a compact, location-independent storage power plant in order to research the storage of energy for bridging in chemical or fluid form.
To be able to store unused energy or to use it for transport and heating, energy storage and sector coupling will become more and more important in the future.
The field laboratory for fluid energy storage technology and sector coupling (FES FIELD LAB) is a location-independent storage power plant on a pilot scale that has been developed at the TH OWL since July 2020. This mobility of the power plant enables the research team around Prof. Georg Klepp to set up and use the FES FIELD LAB at different locations. In addition, the power plant is able to store renewable electricity in the form of gases and to produce gas and liquid fuel (so-called e-fuels). In other words: the storage power plant can supply itself with renewable energy.
“The FES FIELD LAB enables us to examine the independence of systems that are operated with renewable energy. This will allow us to work even more closely with business in the future, ”says Klepp. “With this project we are strengthening the innovation location Ostwestfalen-Lippe in the field of energy research. We can also use the results for other areas, e.g. use post-fossil mobility. "
You can find more information about the project on the project page:
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