Funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the „REGIONALE Ostwestfalen-Lippe: Vernetzte Mobilität und digitale Anwendungen“ program. Campus track at the...
iFE: EMC-optimal input and output filters using 3D simulation The IDEALER project uses results from the preliminary project Ide3AL. In the preliminary project, it was basically...
The energy turnaround is one of the greatest challenges for the manufacturing industry in Germany. Global political events make the reduction of energy consumption at all levels...
The proposed project aims for the development of an additively manufactured, multi-spectral sensor system with a low cost, disposable or reusable sensor element for applications in...
In the EM_Plus project, an energy management system is being developed together with Stiebel Eltron in order to combine the generation of renewable energies with the use of heat...
Das Projekt „Smart BHKW“ wird vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert. In Kooperation mit dem BHKW Hersteller „2G“ wird daran gearbeitet, mit Hilfe eines...
Bauteile für die Möbelproduktion werden automatisiert gefertigt. Zum Bohren von Löchern in die Holzbauteile werden derzeit Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen mit Bohrköpfen verwendet, die...
Durch die Globalisierung des Handels und die Zunahme von Internetkäufen steigt der Bedarf an effektiven und effizienten Logistikprozessen. Um einen reibungslosen Warenfluss zu...
The objective of the cluster cross-sectional project "Energy Efficiency" is to pick up and further develop the most important technologies for improving the energy efficiency of...
The aim of the project is the development of a software tool for the determination of energy efficiency potentials in the planning and implementation of industrial plants and plant...
However, in view of dwindling resources, rising costs and climatic consequences, the importance of energy resources has become increasingly important in recent years. In the field...